Click GO for HR Automation | elementsuite
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Wouldn’t it be great to work in a world where a single click answered everything?

As an HR leader, you can

  • Drive success
  • enable growth and flexibility
  • Improve the lives of your employees, support their development and enable them to be their very best
  • Enable staff to enjoy what they do
  • Give staff the support they need
  • Put systems in place to aid staff
  • Contribute to overall business performance and bottom line.

Question: How is all this possible?

Answer: with a single click.

By pressing GO on people automation, you can realise many improvements and efficiencies that will benefit you, your senior management and best of all, your people. The bitter truth is that the systems in place right now, all too often don’t help, they hinder. Our experience at elementsuite suggests that HR on average are using seven different tools to manage their workforce.

Multiple systems, multiple problems

The problems arising from using multiple systems that don’t talk to each other are obvious. This was accentuated when the various furlough schemes were introduced in the UK. The result was that many resorted to excel, and the subsequent excel hell. Instead of working together smoothy, HR teams have to swap manually between applications. They are reliant on manual inputs, which are subject to human error and are dependent on inputs from other teams such as IT, finance and payroll.

The outcome is not only frustrations for HR, there is irritation for employees.

A new era of HR people automation

If your goal is faster, smarter outcomes that staff love, at the click of a button, then automation is essential. Automation can increase productivity, improve health and wellbeing, however automation per se, on its own does not necessarily achieve all those benefits. To fulfil the benefits of automation, it must take into account the human element.

Processes should enable people, not slow them down, which is why automation continues to be high on the agenda for many businesses. Fragmentation of systems and process is generally the problem and it’s a barrier for everyone. The solution is to enable those systems to communicate with each other to create a seamless and efficient experience for every employee, whatever their role. What they need is available with a single click.

Instead of a large number of micro and massive delays that add up to time lost, inefficiencies, missed opportunities and reduced margins… press GO and automate processes, freeing employees to concentrate on their priorities and real issues that drive the business forward. 

Refocusing on people

Whether its recruitment, onboarding, or training, delivering a comprehensive and inclusive experience is paramount. Make it easy for people to get the job done. Make it easy for staff to notify their Manager if they are sick, book absences, keep up to date with everything 24/7. Automation allows 24-hour, real-time access to everything… no more waiting.

Automation is an incredible opportunity for HR to revisit and improve processes that happen around their people. And most of all release them to refocus on their people.

Removing delays across the business

So often businesses don’t even notice their fragmented processes, they’ve got so used to the work arounds. They all cause substantial delays and end up being a massive negative drain on productivity. Various research suggests that it can take over 30 minutes to refocus after each involuntary distraction which happens as staff switch between applications and processes. So for every holiday request time is lost. Automation and self-service solve this.

Workplace automation

Human resources automation utilises software to digitise and automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks. Everything from onboarding and administration to payroll, clocking in, time keeping and benefits administration. This frees employees to focus on more strategic tasks, and valuable to the business. It also improves efficiency and enhances security while reducing the potential for human error.

Automation delivers on the desire for a single click as well as removing the need for any intervention. Automation is a powerful tool to help manage issues around, security, compliance, company scheduling, RTW and WTD, ensuring you have rigor around your rules and regulations.

Making HR more human

HR is a central, strategic function and they’re the heroes of success that can help power the organisation. HR needs time to focus on what drives business success. People workflow automation relieve them of time consuming admin and tasks to do just that and create a more ‘human experience’ across the business.

Employees want 24/7 access and self-service. Combining this alongside automation enables a more human experience for everyone.

Ready to click GO?


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