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Desk Research and Exploration
Work out where to start, when to make a change, how to save time. Identify your needs, and move forward.

Justify the Business Case
Build the business case for your HR needs. What does success looks like?

Supplier Beauty Parade (RFI)
Create a long-list of possible suppliers. Don’t get bogged down or swept away with sales.
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Organisational Structure
Get ahead by flushing out any changes to jobs, structures or processes.
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Supplier Shortlist (RFP)
Create a shortlist and request more in-depth information from suppliers.

HR Data
Don’t underestimate the time it will take to check, and clean up your data. Data Protection is an increasingly hot topic, so make sure you’re in control.

Avoid pitfalls in negotiation, and balance pricing with partnership. Make sure you’re clear on delivery approach and ongoing support as well as the raw tech.
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Procurement and Contracts
Navigate procurement and contract with care and pragmatism. Don’t forget the importance of data protection but try not to lose the essence of the partnership agreement.