Sound the alarm with elementsuite’s HR Alert Builder | elementsuite
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Sound the alarm with elementsuite’s HR Alert Builder

Picture this: It’s a Monday morning, and everything seems to be running smoothly. Employees are going about their tasks, and you’re caught up in the whirlwind of daily operations. But little do you know that amidst the hustle and bustle, a ticking time bomb is quietly counting down – there’s an employee on shift whose right to work has expired.

This kind of oversight can be an expensive mistake, with fines of up to £20,000 for each incident of employing someone without the legal right to work – a risk that you really can’t afford.

But when running an HR department of a large enterprise business, keeping on top of employee documents can be easier said than done.

That’s where elementsuite’s HR Alert Builder comes in. The Alert Builder is an automated system that will automatically track and manage critical HR alerts, ensuring complete peace of mind for employers when it comes to employee document compliance.

Alerts are sent directly to the relevant people within the organisation with real-time notifications, so no matter how big or complex your enterprise is, you’ll always know that critical changes are being managed and monitored in a timely fashion.

This user-friendly tool allows you to create tailored notifications that remind you to take action, such as:

  1. Right to Work Expiry: The Alert Builder allows you to set up notifications for when an employee’s right-to-work documentation is due to expire. This alert can be sent to employees, HR personnel, and managers who need to be in the know. By proactively managing these expirations, you can avoid compliance issues and potential penalties.
  2. Return-to-Work Completion: When an employee’s sickness absence ends, it is crucial to ensure they complete a return-to-work form. With the HR Alert Builder, you can create notifications to remind employees and HR about this requirement, streamlining the return-to-work process and ensuring a smooth transition back to work.
  3. New Starter Hiring: Keeping procurement informed about new hires is essential for managing resources and initiating onboarding processes. Alert Builder allows you to send notifications to procurement whenever a new employee is hired, enabling them to allocate resources and facilitate a seamless onboarding experience.
  4. Employee Contract Signing: Stay on top of the administrative aspect of employee onboarding by setting up alerts for when a new employee signs their contract, with our Document Designer. This ensures that you are aware of completed contracts and can initiate the necessary actions promptly.
  5. Wage Increases: Timely updates on wage increases, such as national minimum wage changes or promotional wage hikes, are critical for compliance and employee satisfaction. The Alert Builder enables you to create notifications for HR and relevant stakeholders to stay informed about these changes.
  6. Absence Allowance Management: Managing employee absence allowances is a crucial task for HR. With the Alert Builder, you can receive HR alerts when an employee exceeds their allocated absence allowance, allowing you to proactively address the situation and minimise disruptions.

HR Alerts made for you

Completely customisable, you can design alerts to match your business’s specific needs, and ensure that they get to the right people at the right time. You can select the frequency of notifications and create multiple alerts for different stakeholders.

And with features such as role-based notifications and an intuitive user interface, the Alert Builder makes it easy for businesses to manage their HR compliance and streamline the employee experience.

Here are just some of the ways that the Alert Builder can benefit your enterprise:

Exception Management

Save yourself from the hassle of creating reports, for managers to cumbersomely sift through to find information that may be relevant to them, by creating alerts that specifically highlights exceptions.

Your managers are busy, and if you want them to adopt a data-driven decision-making approach, instead of drowning them in a sea of information – which they may not even look at, you can focus on addressing critical issues that require immediate attention.

Simply select the stakeholders who should receive the alert on the Alert Builder, and keep all relevant parties in the loop, encouraging collaboration and transparency.

Scheduled Alerts

Once you’ve set up alerts using elementsuite’s Alert Builder, the system automatically checks for triggers at specified intervals. Whether you prefer alerts every 30 minutes or once a day, you can customise the frequency to suit your organisation’s needs.

This way, you, your people managers, and your employees never miss a beat and can plan for any upcoming changes or tasks that need to be tackled.

However, the last thing you want is to send out alerts in the middle of the night. So as a rule of thumb, it’s recommended to schedule alerts during working hours to avoid interrupting employees’ downtime and ensure that the notifications reach stakeholders in a timely manner.

Avoid Duplicate Alerts

There is nothing worse than receiving the same alert multiple times. Just the mere thought makes you want to turn off your notifications.

To prevent alert fatigue, elemenstuite’s Alert Builder is designed to avoid notifying the same person multiple times for the same event. Regardless of how frequently the system runs the checks, it ensures that individuals are not bombarded with redundant notifications, optimising their user experience and engagement.

Never miss a deadline again

Alerts are an essential part of any HR process; they keep stakeholders informed, and enable proactive decision-making. But manually managing alerts can be a time-consuming task. With elementsuite’s Alert Builder, you can rest assured that crucial HR requirements won’t slip through the cracks.

Receive timely notifications for key dates to increase compliance, optimise processes, and benefit both your business and employees. With elementsuite’s Alert Builder, you can be confident that you won’t miss a deadline again.

Book a demo today, to see the difference it can make in your organisation!

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