Key benefits of HR software
Thanks to the benefits of SaaS cloud HR software, HR teams now have the tools to reduce or remove repetitive, mundane tasks and simplify complex task and processes.

How to avoid payroll chaos and reduce queries – wish #2
Payroll processes are complex, and human errors can negatively impact employees and cost the company money. Handling payroll, even with the help of a payroll service, can be complicated,

Excel is Reckless Hell for HR Leaders
It is reckless to continue to process large data sets containing personally identifiable information in Excel, and must be stopped. We are calling it the HRevolution.

7 tips to successfully implement HR technology remotely
HR technology can significantly help HR teams improve operational efficiency and performance.

Single Platforms – The Case for Change
The HR software market has evolved over the past 20 years. It started with HR Process Automation, then Integrated Talent Management and the move to Cloud based ‘Software as a Service’.

Why integration is outdated for operators
In recent years technology has significantly impacted the HR and workforce management function.